Obelisk Number corresponds with Valmerwolf Maps

Alb only Obel
Mid only Obel
Hib only Obel

What obels do you have?
Log into your Character and :
  • Type "/chatlog Obelisks" (this will open a chatlog named Obelisks.log)
  • Then type /quest (to list your quests and obelisks)
  • Wait until your Quest listing stops
  • Type "/chatlog" (or a lower case "L" if you have not changed binds) to stop log
  • locate your log - typically:
    c:/Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot
    This will be the same directory your screen shots are stored
  • Copy the file contents and paste in the box below - then submit the form
Toon Name:

HubObel #Quest NameCheck Off
4C1Agramon's Lair 
3C2Discovery's Crossing 
2C3Forge of Pyrkagia 
2C4Shrine of Laresh (W) 
2C5Shrine of Teragani (N) 
2C6Temple of Februstos (N) 
3F1Anapaysi's Crossing 
4F2Catacombs of Februstos 
3F3Diabasi's Junction 
4F4Dracolich Den 
3F5Dynami's Crossing 
4F6Hall of Feretro 
3F7Hall of Thanatoy 
2F8Passage of Ygros 
4F9Path of Zoi 
4F10Plimmyra's Landing 
4F11Shrine of Teragani (S) 
2F12Shrine of Vartigeth (S) 
3F12Shrine of Vartigeth (N) 
4F14Shrine of Vartigeth (W) 
4F15Shrine of Nethuni (N) 
4F16Temple of Perizor (W) 
3F17Temple of Laresh 
3F18Ygrasia's Crossing 
2K1Construct Assembly 
1K2Efeyresi's Junction 
ENTK3Ergaleio's Path 
1K4Great Forge of Thivek 
1K5Hall of Allagi 
1K6Hall of Dimioyrgia 
1K7Kainotomia's Crossing 
ENTK8Path of Roloi 
ENTK9Shrine of Laresh (E) 
1K10Shrine of Nethuni (S) 
1K11Shrine of Tegashirg 
ENTK12Temple of Februstos (S) 
1K13Temple of Perizor (East) 
ENTK14trela's Crossing 

Last Updated: July 25, 2009 by Serenitee - Alb Iseult
Dark Age of Camelot ©2001-2009 Mythic Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.