Diary of an Armor Crafter
Crafting 801 - 899: Speak to trainer to achieve Grandmaster Armorer!
Did not get around to running quests this level (frankly was tired of it, and hearing chimes in my sleep made me take the weekend off). LGM so close - but not going to happen today :) Lack of smarter tools made this level a bit painful

Investment Totals
Money Spent: 6 Platinum, 925 Gold, 33 Silver, and 79 Copper
Returned from Sellbacks: 5 Platinum, 139 Gold, 74 Silver, and 27 Copper
Loss: 1 Platinum, 785 Gold, 59 Silver, and 51 Copper
Total GreenBar Time: 14 Hours, and 1 Seconds
Total Skill-Ups
boned arms:10
lamellar boots:64
studded gauntlets:59
boned gauntlets:56
studded boots:59
boned boots:73
lamellar gauntlets:87
Failure Tally
Fails with Loss:24
Fails without Loss:384
boned arms:17
lamellar boots:126
studded gauntlets:124
boned gauntlets:105
studded boots:101
boned boots:135
lamellar gauntlets:181
eldritch leather square:16
wyvernskin heavy thread:8
netherium metal bars:4
Crafting Quality
Item NameItem Quality total Crafted
boned arms952
boned arms963
boned arms941
boned arms971
lamellar boots9520
lamellar boots9612
lamellar boots9429
lamellar boots971
studded gauntlets9615
studded gauntlets9423
studded gauntlets9519
studded gauntlets977
boned gauntlets9418
boned gauntlets9522
boned gauntlets968
studded boots9413
studded boots9515
studded boots9612
studded boots971
boned boots9428
boned boots9517
boned boots9615
boned boots971
lamellar gauntlets9432
lamellar gauntlets9527
lamellar gauntlets9627
lamellar gauntlets977
NOTES: Attempts may not match total of successes and failures - due to moving or otherwise stopping a crafting in process.
Losses do not tally the actual loss (ie: if more than 1 item were lost), only the instances of loss and the materials included within that loss.
Negative cash in the "Loss" shows an actual gain of coin.
Crafting done while during Daylight Savings time will have unexpected GreenBar Results :)