Serenitee's Crafting Diary

Investment Totals
Money Spent: 56 Gold, 28 Silver, and 66 Copper
Returned from Sellbacks: 31 Gold, 87 Silver, and 91 Copper
Loss: 24 Gold, 40 Silver, and 75 Copper
Total GreenBar Time: 1 Hours, 26 Minutes, and 44 Seconds
Total Skill-Ups
dark brown cloth dye:7
royal orange cloth dye:4
green cloth dye:2
red cloth dye:1
infectious serum:6
lesser enervating poison:3
lesser lethal venom:4
Failure Tally
Fails with Loss:0
Fails without Loss:27
minor crippling poison:3
dark brown cloth dye:38
royal orange cloth dye:37
green cloth dye:27
red cloth dye:26
infectious serum:47
lesser enervating poison:44
lesser lethal venom:28
Crafting Quality
Item NameItem Quality total Crafted
minor crippling poison961
minor crippling poison971
minor crippling poison991
dark brown cloth dye9810
dark brown cloth dye9710
dark brown cloth dye967
dark brown cloth dye994
royal orange cloth dye9710
royal orange cloth dye9812
royal orange cloth dye968
royal orange cloth dye991
green cloth dye986
green cloth dye979
green cloth dye965
green cloth dye995
red cloth dye978
red cloth dye987
red cloth dye993
red cloth dye967
infectious serum998
infectious serum9613
infectious serum9710
infectious serum9810
lesser enervating poison989
lesser enervating poison9911
lesser enervating poison9614
lesser enervating poison977
lesser lethal venom984
lesser lethal venom968
lesser lethal venom996
lesser lethal venom976
NOTES: Attempts may not match total of successes and failures - due to moving or otherwise stopping a crafting in process.
Losses do not tally the actual loss (ie: if more than 1 item were lost), only the instances of loss and the materials included within that loss.
Negative cash in the "Loss" shows an actual gain of coin.
Crafting done while during Daylight Savings time will have unexpected GreenBar Results :)